Megacon, Sally Jupiter, Zatanna updates

Sorry I haven’t posted here in a while! I was very lazy over the holidays and it was really nice LOL

I got a lovely new top hat for Zatanna for Christmas! That’s really the only thing costume related I got, outside of a fabric store gift card.

The top hat Chase got me for Christmas, for my Zatanna costume. (I rented a hat for Dragoncon) | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I have gotten a start on Silk Spectre I. I’ve the chiffon dress part basically put together. I need to finish the waist cincher (which I’ve also got a rough start on) before I can cut and finish the bottom of it (to make sure the length is just right – don’t want it too short or too long). I’m hoping to finish the waist cincher this weekend. I’ve got the bodice to wear underneath it, my wig + extensions (which I need to sit down with and start styling this weekend, too), and the boots. I’ve got a glove that will work, just need to find it. I still need to find a garter belt and the stockings, but that won’t be hard.

Megacon is coming up soon, I’m not really in any kind of convention frame of mind, though. I’m definitely excited, but it still seems like it’s a looooong way off.
I’m taking four costumes: Sleeping Beauty (friday morning), Silk Spectre (friday afternoon), Starfire (sat morning), and Zatanna (sat afternoon/evening). At least that’s the rough idea of a schedule for them. Starfire will definitely be saturday so I can wear it for as long as possible since I have to paint my face LOL

I have a few repair things I need to take care of before the con – I want to tweak the fit of my Zatanna vest, add a few darker shadows to my starfire bodysuit, and re-style my Sleeping Beauty wig.

I’ll post some pics of silk spectre progress this weekend.

  • 9mmed

    So, I was living on Orlando for the last 6 years, and NOW you’re going to MEgaCon? Damn. Have you been before? I hope you like it, and I look forward to your pics. It’s just hard to think that I went every year, but we never met.